Month: December 2019

Bits and Pieces

Well, here we are, about to shut the door on yet another year. When the curtain falls, when the shouts, applause, laments and music of the year-end fade into a distant echo, what’s left? You’ll find it lying there, scattered on the floor of yesterdays, the bits and pieces of it all. ********** Christmas is …

Waiting in Line

It’s a week before Christmas. I’m standing in line at the post office, waiting. I’m not alone. Others stand silently in a long queue that snakes its way outside. They wait, too. It’s an understatement to say Americans enjoy waiting in line anywhere. Or, for that matter, waiting for anything. We’re used to instantaneous fulfillment …

Just Right

“The coffee was hotter and blacker than the sins of the devil himself. But it tasted just right, you might say.” Louis L’Amour ********** Life demands verbal responses. The choices are many, from the crude to the superlative. Finding the appropriate middle ground is a challenge. ‘Just right’ might be the perfect choice for you. …

Saving Face

“When you jump for joy, beware that no one moves the ground from beneath your feet.”  Lec ********** There’s a lot of need for face saving in these times. Impeachment hearings may have been the best thing that’s happened in America lately. Such gushing rubbish is entertaining the wrong people and making the right ones …